
by Arcade Fire

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:38 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Neon Bible

Song Author

The Arcade Fire

Tabbed by

Guitar: JB - Bass: JB


1st → Church Organ Left hand / Low notes
2nd → Acoustic
3rd → Church Organ right hand
4th → Electric w/ slide
5th → Glockenspiel
6th → Percussions
7th → Electric Bass
8th → Violins Partsrts

File Size

57 KB




Guitar Notes: The main guitar part is straightforward open-chord strumming. I didn't bother to notate the nuances past the first line, because it's basic pendulum strumming for the rest of the song. The electric guitar part is played with a slide the e Bass Notes: I tried to simulate the massive church organ sound... this was the best I could do. To facilitate somewhat, the organ parts for the left hand (on the lower staff) should be shifted down 1 octave.